Learning Mandarin through

I hear and I forget,
I see and I remember,
I do and I understand.

0-6 years old
The BEST time
to learn languages

Sensitive periods

Sensitive periods help the child to construct and create human characteristics and functions.

The sensitive period of language, from birth to six years old, ensures that the human voice is the most compelling of all for our hearing mechanism and a child’s attention is captured by the human voice which is what they need to create language, instead of by any speech in his environment.

The child has the sensitivity for any language that he hears not only the mother language.

Absorbent mind

According to Montessori’s observation, from birth to three years old, the child is an “unconscious creator”. That means just by living in the environment, the child acquires mother tongue or others languages that are part of daily life, effortlessly, easily, completely. Montessori uses the metaphor of photograph in the child’s absorption of language. Whether there is just one person, a group of people, or a thousand people, simple or complex, the camera can capture it instantly. The child takes in all the impressions of sounds unconsciously and keeps them in the subconscious.   At the same time, he or she prepares the mechanism of movement unconsciously through unceasing observation, imitation, and practice. From three to six years old, the child is a “conscious worker”, who practices and perfects his language from all aspects with consciousness to master it.

Why do we learn

Why do we learn Chinese
by Montessori?

Our methodology



(Romanisation of mandarin characters)


(Chinese characters)